lake environment

美 [leɪk ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]英 [leɪk ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt]
  • 网络湖泊环境
lake environmentlake environment
  1. Water temperature is one of the key physical parameters in the lake environment .


  2. It shows us the great convenient by using GIS to lake environment management .


  3. Harmfulness of Qinghai Lake Environment Deterioration and Corresponding Control Measures


  4. Deposit list of lake environment change ;


  5. It takes on important significance of protecting and improving the Beston Lake environment .


  6. Characteristics of diagenesis saline lake environment and its effect on high-porosity zones


  7. All the information from the lake environment changes could be well archived in th lacustrine sediments .


  8. Reduction of biology variety At last , the paper brings forward countermeasures and advice of lake environment protection and resources utilization


  9. For a city , it is urban business card and a city of the best living advertising to a good lake environment .


  10. The gas source rocks in this area were mainly formed in fresh - brackish fluvial and lake environment .


  11. N and P accumulated in different depth water sediments record the effect of human activities and nature change on the lake environment .


  12. In the city , urbanization , population growth and concentration , introduction and expansion of industrial all give pressure to the lake environment .


  13. Appearance of water bloom together with eutrophication endangers drinking-water safety , aquiculture and lake environment .


  14. Remote sensing techniques , as a scientific and rapid investigation and monitoring tool , have been widely applied in the area of lake environment research .


  15. The bar sandstone from shallow lake environment of Shengli Oil Field has the characteristics of thin bed thickness , low porosity and low permeability .


  16. The changes in lake environment on the different time-scale are resulted from the tectonic movement , climatic change and human impact respectively and meanwhilely .


  17. Based on the primary analysis of lakes in China , the paper intends to arouse people to put great attention to the lake environment and gives suggestions to harnessing them .


  18. When it came into Neolithic Age , rivers and lake environment is interfered and influenced by more and more fierce human activities in its process of evolvement .


  19. Therefore , all the evidence above suggests that geochemical facies for the glauconites should have been built in the nonmarine or lake environment .


  20. The deposition of Yanchang Formation went through three stages : the plain-river environment in the early development of basin , lake environment in metaphase and flood plain in the last when the lake disappeared .


  21. The effects of flocculation and removal of algal blooms using modified sediments and its consequent water quality improvement after the removal were investigated through ecological simulation experiments in 1 m 3 boxes simulating natural lake environment .


  22. The paper analyses the ability and effect of flood adjusting of the Jianghan Lakes aswell as the factors affecting their adjusting . Such move has resulted in degradation of lake environment and poor buffer capacity for flood prevention .


  23. Rock granularity of the reservoir is very fine at large in the researching zone , mainly is mealy sand-rock and mud-bearing mealy sand-rock , belonging to shore shallow lake environment .


  24. Based on statistics of glauconite from different areas and different environments , it is held that glauconite is formed either in marine environment or in continental lake environment , and hence cannot be regarded as a facies mineral .


  25. Through an integrated analysis of geological setting and Paleogene coal-bearing strata sedimentary characteristics , the author considered that the coal-bearing section 's paleogeographic type in the area is mainly alluvial fan-fan-shaped delta plain-littoral shallow lake environment .


  26. Detailed geochemical characteristics on trace elements reveal that : ( 1 ) the content of trace elements is low as a whole , but P , V , Ti values are relatively high , indicating that Yanqi Basin belongs to a kind of inland lake environment ;


  27. Study on lake water environment information system and its application


  28. On the principle and method of lake water environment prediction


  29. The basic programs of lake water environment prediction are advanced .


  30. Research proceeding on quality assessment of lake water environment
